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Karl Lacey - Footballer of the Year - Spat on??

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County: Donegal
Posts: 201

1341974 As a Donegal fan who misses very few games , there were a few observations from todays proceedings in Healy Park that i feel need to be commented on 1st point was the shocking booing which greeted M. Murphy as he left the field today after receiving his marching orders To watch grown adults abuse a young man as such was in very poor taste shame on those Tyrone Gaels who participated . Even more disturbing was the treatment dished out to Player of the Year Karl Lacey in the stand today for some one to spit on him was simply not good enough have to say glad to hear that the clown will not be getting away with it fair play to Tyrone GAA .As for the game the better team won on the day Tyrone seem a little bit further down the road than us at present in there preparation but still fairly pleased with the spirit shown by the All Ireland Champions Donegal today looking forward to our meeting with our nearest and dearest in May in Ballybofey as todays attendance of 9000 would not indicate any need to have the venue changed and finally to all our Tyrone neighbours who celebrated like they had one something major other than 2 points today roll on the Championship till we put you lot firmly back in your place once again

Any truth in this?

I hope it's not true... we've had our own version of this disgraceful behaviour and sadly that was true

Beelzedub (Dublin) - Posts: 480 - 03/03/2013 21:08:40    1342030


Disgraceful if true, but more evidence is needed before starting a thread like this Jimbo!
A comment posted on the Donegal board is simply not enough!

TheGateKeeper (Tyrone) - Posts: 2843 - 03/03/2013 21:45:22    1342058


Not sure about the truth here but the punctuation in the above post is absolutely horrendous!! In all seriousness tho, if it's the truth it is shocking indeed. At the end of the day we are an amateur sport and abuse is never acceptable.

LiffeyGael (Dublin) - Posts: 1 - 03/03/2013 21:46:40    1342059


BUT BUT BUT Gatekeeper will have you believe that Donegal were the ONLY big sinners and THE guilty party today. As I said in another thread gatekeeper take the red and blinkers off mate. I have said in the past from experience that Tyrone, like most counties, have an undesireable element amongst their support and can be a bit nasty at times towards other fans and opposing players.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9728 - 03/03/2013 22:00:00    1342089


Who is on a soapbox now Ulsterman?! LOL

TheGateKeeper (Tyrone) - Posts: 2843 - 04/03/2013 08:12:58    1342096


There doesn't seem to be any doubt that this happened, identify the scumbag and ban it for life.

Tom1916 (Armagh) - Posts: 2001 - 04/03/2013 09:41:15    1342126


At least we have a support Ulsterman!

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 04/03/2013 09:46:04    1342132


It definitely happened. There were some Tyrone supporters challenging the 'supporter' who done this after the game. Seemingly he is well known to some so should be no problem identifying him.

Fair play to the Donegal players/management/supporters for not reacting to a scumbag like that. No place for that in sport, absolutely dusgusting and I apologise as a Tyrone supporter for it happening

EnolaGay (Tyrone) - Posts: 653 - 04/03/2013 09:54:40    1342143


Agreed Tom, there is no place for this in our sport, ban the scumbag for life!

TheGateKeeper (Tyrone) - Posts: 2843 - 04/03/2013 10:01:16    1342159


I want to add to that. The deafening chorus of jeers from the Tyrone crowd in the stand yesterday as Michael Murphy left the field was nothing short of disgraceful. I was behind the Donegal goal in the 2nd half and the tirade of personal abuse that was launched at Donegal keeper Paul Durcan throughout was sickening in the extreme. The fact that those shouting the abuse were in the main middle aged men who you would think would have more cop on made the abuse all the more disgusting. There unfortunately appears to be a thuggish element among the Tyrone support - a minority it should be said - but a sizeable majority nonetheless - that I have seldom seen in support from other counties. The Tyrone supporters celebrating as if they had won the All Ireland at the final whistle would have been laughable if it weren't for the fact that it was of an intimidatory manner roaring and shouting in the faces of young and old Donegal supporters. I didn't see the Karl Lacey incident as I wasn't in the stand but it doesn't surprise me going by the atmosphere in Omagh yesterday.

Lifford Gael (Donegal) - Posts: 1925 - 04/03/2013 10:07:49    1342162


theres no way any so called supporter/s can condone/laugh off the seriousiness of this vile act .

appleboy (Armagh) - Posts: 479 - 04/03/2013 10:10:25    1342167


I have to say that Healy Park is not a pleasant place to visit.

hurlingdub (Dublin) - Posts: 6978 - 04/03/2013 10:10:50    1342168


Well done Enola Gay. You are a true representative of Tyrone G.A.A. and I commend you for your comments.

Every county has it's share of lunatics, my own included, but I must say that I was surprised at the level of venom that was evident at times yesterday, especially when Murphy was sent off. This was a league match for God's sake.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 04/03/2013 10:11:06    1342169


Lifford Gael
County: Donegal
Posts: 1613

I want to add to that. The deafening chorus of jeers from the Tyrone crowd in the stand yesterday as Michael Murphy left the field was nothing short of disgraceful. I was behind the Donegal goal in the 2nd half and the tirade of personal abuse that was launched at Donegal keeper Paul Durcan throughout was sickening in the extreme. The fact that those shouting the abuse were in the main middle aged men who you would think would have more cop on made the abuse all the more disgusting. There unfortunately appears to be a thuggish element among the Tyrone support - a minority it should be said - but a sizeable majority nonetheless - that I have seldom seen in support from other counties. The Tyrone supporters celebrating as if they had won the All Ireland at the final whistle would have been laughable if it weren't for the fact that it was of an intimidatory manner roaring and shouting in the faces of young and old Donegal supporters. I didn't see the Karl Lacey incident as I wasn't in the stand but it doesn't surprise me going by the atmosphere in Omagh yesterday.

REWIND a couple of years lifford gael when Jim sent on McLoone to take out big Joe , when Joe was carried off after having the Donegal forwards in his pocket for most of that Ulster final the Donegal fans were ecstatic, jubilant, euphoric at the sight of Big joe being carried off and the scenes of celebration after that game bye the majority of Donegal wans was just as sickening ,As for the Karl lacey incident yesterday if it is true I hope the Tyrone county board throw the book at the culprit involved as I can't see the Ulster council being much use after the Racist incident earlier last year.

fortyfive (Tyrone) - Posts: 5929 - 04/03/2013 10:25:26    1342177



That is downright nonsense! I was at that game and there was no Donegal supporter ecstatic, jubilant or euphoric at 'big Joe' being taken off! Thats complete and utter rubbish! I would also caution you to be very careful in what you print - to suggest that a player was sent on by his manager to take out another player is very dangerous in the extreme and could be Taken as defamation of character. It's funny, but my recollection of that incident was that it was an accidental collision and that young McLoone didn't come out of it too well either but there you go. You can make what you want from it I suppose!

Back to yesterday, it was disappointing to put it mildly to see the behaviour of a minority of Tyrone supporters - this is not to take away from the genuine Tyrone supporters who I'm sure were as disgusted as I was by this element in Omagh yesterday!

Lifford Gael (Donegal) - Posts: 1925 - 04/03/2013 10:37:50    1342190


a thuggish element among the Tyrone support - a minority it should be said - but a sizeable majority nonetheless

What are we talking here Lifford Gael, a majority of the minority or what?

On the Lacey incident, there is simply nothing lower than spitting and as a proud Tyrone man and supporter of my county of many years I am both appalled and embarassed by this incident. These type of so-called supporters have no place at our games and the fact that they purport to support my county makes its all the more painful. Heres hoping for a carnival atmosophere at Ballbofey regardless of the result as I have always held Donegal football and Donegal folk in general in the highest regard, root it out NOW!

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 04/03/2013 10:37:58    1342191


I was at the game yesterday and I go to every single match to support my county. I for one will definitely be back in Healy Park again. The abuse that Paul Durkin suffered behind the goals was indescribable and I watched over the game last night as I had it recorded and had to rewind a few times to see a Tyrone player biting a Donegal player. Very disappointed as a true Gael. Mickey Harte is a gentleman and I think yous hould all take a leaf out of his book.

As for the spitting incident on Karl Lacey, what can I say. Must have been very embarrassing for Mickey and The Tyrone Charirman to come in to apologize to the Donegal dressing room. Mickey would have no time for this sort of stuff.

Michael Murphy's booing off the pitch was terrible. I think every1 boos a little in incidents like this, but this was booing like I have never seen before. People standing up and shouting such venom at him. As Captain of the All Ireland Champions this was very disrespectful. I have seen a Dublin Supporter saying they will never be back in Healy park also. I for one am definitely not going back there again.

We will be a different outfit come May, and I hope the Tyrone people that come to Donegal for that game leave these horrible antics in Omagh.

dgl2012 (Donegal) - Posts: 26 - 04/03/2013 10:42:36    1342200


Lifford Gael
County: Donegal
Posts: 1613

I want to add to that. The deafening chorus of jeers from the Tyrone crowd in the stand yesterday as Michael Murphy left the field was nothing short of disgraceful. I was behind the Donegal goal in the 2nd half and the tirade of personal abuse that was launched at Donegal keeper Paul Durcan throughout was sickening in the extreme. The fact that those shouting the abuse were in the main middle aged men who you would think would have more cop on made the abuse all the more disgusting. There unfortunately appears to be a thuggish element among the Tyrone support - a minority it should be said - but a sizeable majority nonetheless - that I have seldom seen in support from other counties. The Tyrone supporters celebrating as if they had won the All Ireland at the final whistle would have been laughable if it weren't for the fact that it was of an intimidatory manner roaring and shouting in the faces of young and old Donegal supporters. I didn't see the Karl Lacey incident as I wasn't in the stand but it doesn't surprise me going by the atmosphere in Omagh yesterday.

Can i firstly say i hope the county board do throw the book at the cuplrit from yesterday there is no place for that in our games. I was standing behind the same goals and the abuse directed at stephen O neill and Ronan o neill by donegal supporters was also sickening Take off your donegal blinkers. As for the game in Clones last year we had a referee who failed to punish the cynical fouling by donegal yesterday we had a referee who did and we saw the result maybe a change of tactics needed by mcguiness. two more points for tyrone another 2 should secure our place in division one for next year. I think after yesterday its obvious the championship game needs to be taken to clones the championship game will attract 25-30 thousand

rahillyman (Tyrone) - Posts: 314 - 04/03/2013 10:43:12    1342201


County: Tyrone
Posts: 4993

REWIND a couple of years lifford gael when Jim sent on McLoone to take out big Joe , when Joe was carried off after having the Donegal forwards in his pocket for most of that Ulster final the Donegal fans were ecstatic, jubilant, euphoric at the sight of Big joe being carried off and the scenes of celebration after that game bye the majority of Donegal wans was just as sickening ,As for the Karl lacey incident yesterday if it is true I hope the Tyrone county board throw the book at the culprit involved as I can't see the Ulster council being much use after the Racist incident earlier last year.

I would be the first to admit that we have our fair share of lunatics as well, but while I could see emotions running high at an Ulster final, yesterday was a league game that neither manager was setting too much store by. As for the scenes of celebration after the Uster final being "sickening", that is a bizarre comment. Of course there was going to be wild celebration after winning our first Ulster title in 20 years. What would you expect??

Fair dues for your condemnation & I agree with you about the Ulster Council. If anything is going to be done then Tyrone will have to do it themselves. Mickey Harte & your chairman have set the lead & I am confident that it will be sorted. There will be enough tension in May without incidents like this making things worse.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 04/03/2013 10:49:43    1342209


As a Tyrone supporter who travels to most matches-I think this behaviour is absolutely disgusting-and apologise for it. Unfortunately as with any county there is a concentration of unwelcome so called "supporters" in Tyrone who tarnish the name if the decent supporter:they generally don't travel outside the county thank God;behaviour is inexcusable. This case needs to be significantly highlighted because there is absolutely no place for it,and I'd welcome a lifetime ban for the perpetrator. Disgusting mentality needs to be stepped out.
Booing a team or player is inappropriate. Murphy's first yellow card was soft enough-and even if we had to compromise 2 points less on board I'd have preferred him to remain on the pitch to make a proper contest out of the match and gauge properly for championship.
Also I'd like to see a significant decrease in the cynical fouling displayed by both sides yesterday. Stephen O'Neill seems to get involved in a good bit of wrestling-particularly in the last 2 matches:not warranted. Looking forward to Sunday-we're improving with each game. Well done Morgan yesterday!

Gael01 (Tyrone) - Posts: 74 - 04/03/2013 10:50:27    1342212
