National Forum

Mickey Harte - Vote For Your Sporting Hero

(Oldest Posts First)

The BBC is once again inviting nominations for the nation's Sports Unsung Hero.

Now in its sixth year, the award, supported by Robinsons, is given to a volunteer who has made a difference to their community through sport.

Fifteen local winners are chosen by each BBC English region as well as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

They will then join a star-studded guest list at the Sports Personality of the Year awards ceremony at the Echo Arena in Liverpool on 14 December.

The overall winner is then decided by a judging panel including representatives from the BBC's Nations and Regions, plus previous Unsung Hero winners.

Bursaries of up to £2,500 are also available to the winners of each regional award to help them with their work in sport.

A local BBC panel of judges will choose a shortlist of regional nominees and the winner will be announced at a regional BBC Sports Awards event.

So if you know someone in your area who goes an extra mile to change the lives of others through sport and deserves recognition, we want to hear from you.

You can nominate people who, on a voluntary basis, prepare facilities, roll the pitch, coach the juniors, run local sports leagues or work behind the scenes so that sport can be played and enjoyed throughout the UK.

To nominate your Unsung Hero, either fill in the form on this page and click "Submit" or, if you prefer, print it off by clicking here, then fill it in and send it to the address on the form.


Process of nominations
All nominations must come from the public.
No nominations will be accepted from companies.
The closing date for nominations is Friday 31st October 2008.
(The postal & e-mail addresses to send the completed nomination form to are below)

The criteria for Nomination
Nominees cannot nominate themselves or be nominated by a member of their immediate family.
Nominees must be 16 years or over on 1st January 2008. There is no upper age limit.
Nominees must actively help others participate in sport at any level.
They must do so on a voluntary basis - without any financial reward. They can recover expenses, but nothing over and above that.
It cannot be part of their job - it cannot take place within their normal work place or facilities.
Those being helped must be amateurs.
The person being nominated must not be a playing participant in the sporting group they are helping.
The Sports Unsung Hero must be an individual.
They cannot have won any previous BBC Sports Unsung Hero Award.
Employees of BBC, BBC Worldwide and Robinsons, as well as their immediate families, are not eligible for nomination

[color=blue]I feel that Mickey Harte should be nominated for this award for all his tireless work for Tyrone County Football. He brought success to the Minors in 1998, the U21s in 2000 and 2001 and finally to the Seniors in 2003, 2005 and 2008. In 10 short years, Mickey has brought All-Ireland success to Tyrone 5 times and turned Tyrone football into a force to be reckoned with in Ireland.[/color]

I hope that all Gaels will folk for Mickey and get him nominated and hopefully become regional winner.

THEziggysego (None) - Posts: 64 - 09/10/2008 20:44:14    116614


Not a bad idea but to quote from the rules " Nominate your UNSUNG hero".

Is Mickey unsung? Or do they mean some unknown trying to run a boxing club in Ballybean or somewhere?

Hard to tell, but I doubt if you could nominate say Christiano Ronaldo for the Manchester area, not that anyone would.

But Mickey in his own sport is just as famous.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 09/10/2008 22:17:28    116695
