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Casement Park

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Tir Conaill I think theyre expecting an answer over the next week, certainly before christmas anyway.

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 10/12/2014 10:36:32    1677769


Cheers Bumpernut!

Tir Conaill Abu (Donegal) - Posts: 1671 - 10/12/2014 13:13:51    1677820


Just been told itll defo be next week Tír Conaill rather than the remainder of this week

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 10/12/2014 14:59:00    1677850


Yeah think it was supposed to be end of November or start of December so could be any day now.

srb (Antrim) - Posts: 344 - 10/12/2014 15:00:58    1677851


Keep us updated lads.

Hope it goes ahead, really can't stand our over the top self entitled country. Big deal if you can't see a feckin mountain anymore. So many major cities hve stadiums twice as big in residential areas. They add to the area not detract from it. Some things are more important that your view of a big rock.

Jack_Goff (Meath) - Posts: 2920 - 10/12/2014 20:50:03    1677916


Planning permission as was requested has been refused by the judge apparently.

Further work required re Environmental Impact Assessment.


bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 15/12/2014 11:31:00    1678537


Long live Clones

shaggylegend (Monaghan) - Posts: 1933 - 15/12/2014 11:35:54    1678540


Long live Clones

shaggylegend (Monaghan) - Posts: 1933 - 15/12/2014 11:38:56    1678541


My god is there no end to it.........

daytona11 (Kildare) - Posts: 4012 - 15/12/2014 11:39:09    1678542


Time to move on and bring this project to a community that want it. There would be any number of areas delighted to have it. Leave the Casement residents with their current stadium and don't spend another penny of funding on it. A huge missed opportunity for West Belfast and they only have themselves to blame.

johnboy7 (Tyrone) - Posts: 79 - 15/12/2014 11:40:28    1678543


Time to move on and bring this project to a community that want it. There would be any number of areas delighted to have it. Leave the Casement residents with their current stadium and don't spend another penny of funding on it. A huge missed opportunity for West Belfast and they only have themselves to blame.

johnboy7 (Tyrone) - Posts: 79 - 15/12/2014 11:50:09    1678545


Yeah john the people of West Belfast just dont want it!!

The problem is the 'Not on my Doorstep' brigade dont want it, huge difference!

I somehow doubt this is the end of the road for this development though, just a further delay while they redesign or address the issues the judge has highlighted.

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 15/12/2014 11:52:57    1678547


For the love of me I cannot believe we have got to this situation. I am not a resident of West Belfast or a member of Antrim GAA but what an opportunity for the future of their area and county. Yes the stadium is big but it has been reduced from oringial plans to take into account the area. I have been lucky to attend many major stadiums around the world and currently live close to a major stadium in a residential area. It can get busy and challenging but the benefits and job opportunties are endless. Today's decision will deny West Belfast more than people believe, it will stop further huge investment in the area which preparations for a world cup would have provided and also thousands of visitors each year not to mention the huge opportunity for jobs. As an Ulster GAA member I cannot see any support within the province for the allocated money to be given to build Antrim a new dramtically reduced county ground which now seems like the only choice on the table for this site. The GAA in my opinion could look elsewhere in the province for a flag ship stadium. It will take some discussions amongst politicians but the funds will be re directed in time. It will then sadly be left to Antrim GAA to do what they wish with Casement Park #sad day

sam1884 (UK) - Posts: 999 - 15/12/2014 11:54:05    1678549


The offer made last week of a green field site in the Glens is still on the table - the asking price for the land has now gone up though in the aftermath of the decision today.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 15/12/2014 12:01:01    1678550


Or Dunsilly offside!!!!

Its only taken us almost 10 years to build it, im sure st comgalls and the late patrique would be delighted to accommodate the ulster council!

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 15/12/2014 12:18:22    1678555


Clones not going out of business anytime soon.

TyroneUltra (Tyrone) - Posts: 307 - 15/12/2014 12:32:41    1678557


The Ulster Council will seriously need to look at a venue in Tyrone ( if the money has to be spent in the six counties ). Tyrone is the heartland of Ulster and Ulster GAA. Clearly the residents in Belfast don't want it.

drumlinbelt (Monaghan) - Posts: 179 - 15/12/2014 12:38:49    1678558


Bumpernut, it was not my meaning that everyone in the area is against it, apologies if it came across like that. I am sure most people in West Belfast do want the stadium and I agree with your analysis. I don't think the Glens would be a very central or accessible location for an Ulster GAA stadium. Really I think Antrim have had their chance now and unfortunately for the majority of people, a minority have now scuppered a huge opportunity for the area. We now have to go back to the start and put all options on the table again, assuming the funding is not lost completely, which in the current financial and political climate would not surprise me.
With the possibility of the A5 project being revived I think it makes more sense than ever to locate this in Dungannon/South Tyrone which is the centre of Ulster and will have motorway infrastructure hopefully in every direction in the near future.

johnboy7 (Tyrone) - Posts: 79 - 15/12/2014 12:42:43    1678560


Yeah the Glens wasn't really a serious suggestion though the roads to and from would still be better than trying to get to Clones. With regards to people suggesting Tyrone or anywhere else - do you think that there wouldn't be the same people up in arms in these areas or why do you think that the locals wherever would be more accepting of a new stadium than the residents in and around Casement? Sure look at the A5 dual carriageway and what became of it all because of residents etc bringing a legal case and who also won the judicial review. Same would happen no matter where a stadium was proposed and anyone who thinks otherwise is a tad deluded.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 15/12/2014 12:50:49    1678563


The application failed miserably and heads will have to roll as this was a serious error to think you could steam roll over the rights of the local residents. It was amazing that the Minister granted the application without even considering the impact of a PSNI report on traffic management.

drumlinbelt (Monaghan) - Posts: 179 - 15/12/2014 13:03:59    1678569
