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Dublin biting again??

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anfearbeag and AthCliath both talking sense , well done lads .

Damothedub (Dublin) - Posts: 5193 - 13/01/2014 20:25:13    1531368


County: Kildare
Posts: 2365


Becoming a bit of habbit at this stage. needs to be dealt with in a satisfactory manner this time.

Do we really need to attack Dublin on this though? I would look at this as a very specific Incident.

If a player is found guilty by relevant authorities, then take action against the Individual and communicate to all Intercounty players that such behaviour will not be tolerated and will punished severely.

I don't believe for one minute that a team, coaching staff or county board encourage this or coach this type of thing.

GaryMc82 (Derry) - Posts: 3017 - 13/01/2014 20:32:44    1531370


Nothing will come of this. The bite on Paul Kerrigan in 2010 semi final was caught on TV camera but not a thing was done about it. I do not believe for a second that Donegal would invent an incident and embroil a young player like McBrearty in a media storm if it had not actually happened, and nor do I think DCU would do it. But as another poster has mentioned, this, like racist incidents, will be conveniently brushed under the carpet once a few official types listen and nod their heads sagely at the Leinster council meeting before doing a cop out.

KeyserSoze (Cork) - Posts: 363 - 14/01/2014 08:10:05    1531436


Innocent until proven guilty. However these incidents seem to be increasing. Like the eye gauge in Leinster semi final 2 years ago, but unfortunately no action was taken.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 14/01/2014 09:00:34    1531446


Jesus Christ Wayno what are you trying to do here!!! Will u ever think before you write FFS!!!!

(For the record, if a Dublin player is proven guilty here, i want him banned for life, and I dont care who he is)

Liamwalkinstown (Dublin) - Posts: 8166 - 14/01/2014 09:27:37    1531454


This is a hard thing to prove. It is not like a punch which is clearly visible. unless you bite a player on the arm on camera. most of these incidents are happening when players are wrestling on the ground. Eye gouging, biting or spitting. It is all one mans word against the other mans word when it comes down to evidence. So it is very tricky business. At a loss to suggest any solutions. There probably were no cameras. unless there was a witness prepared to come forward, and medical evidence. But then it would involve dragging the offended player involved thru a court like system and no compensation for the time either.

The other hand it could be argued that players could feign this in order to get an opposing player in trouble, for whatever reason.

We are in a situation where the game is turning into a fiasco. Lets all hope that the next time that this happens (fingers crossed it wont), that a ban that reflects the crime is handed out. Otherwise it could be a long and messy year of the wrong type of headline in the GAA.

Donegalman (None) - Posts: 3830 - 14/01/2014 10:07:51    1531463


I think in fairness to Wayno, it should be noted that the Independent effectively names the player, just cross reference two of their articles written on the match.

BlastCalyle (Mayo) - Posts: 206 - 14/01/2014 10:17:19    1531469


" this, like racist incidents, will be conveniently brushed under the carpet once a few official types listen and nod their heads sagely at the Leinster council meeting before doing a cop out."

I don't particularly want to defend the GAA disciplinary system, as it is generally a bit of a joke. But what exactly do you want them to do in these situations?

anfearbeag (Meath) - Posts: 1134 - 14/01/2014 10:20:54    1531474


13/01/2014 20:32:44
County: Derry
Posts: 806

County: Kildare
Posts: 2365


Becoming a bit of habbit at this stage. needs to be dealt with in a satisfactory manner this time.

Do we really need to attack Dublin on this though? I would look at this as a very specific Incident.

If a player is found guilty by relevant authorities, then take action against the Individual and communicate to all Intercounty players that such behaviour will not be tolerated and will punished severely.

I don't believe for one minute that a team, coaching staff or county board encourage this or coach this type of thing.

To be fair if you read back through the history of posts you will see that I am actually more critical of the disciplinary procedures in the GAA than the Dubs.

daytona11 (Kildare) - Posts: 4012 - 14/01/2014 10:25:06    1531477



I agree 100% with your post, IMO, nobody goes out to dream up such incidents. However, there is absolutely no point in complaining about them in the first place if the player involved refuses to give evidence. Unless the player involved gives his version of events, there will be absolutely no evidence and hence you cannot ban the accused player. There is still a level of omerta in the GAA, players are supposed to "take it like a man", "its a man's game" blah blah. Sadly this is the case and it will take a long long time for this to change.

Salmanneile (Longford) - Posts: 113 - 14/01/2014 10:27:30    1531479


If there is a problem here then the way to solve it is in house.

Last year's circus proves that going through official channels is counterproductive & nobody comes out of it looking good.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 14/01/2014 13:33:37    1531604


14/01/2014 13:33:37
County: Donegal
Posts: 2004

If there is a problem here then the way to solve it is in house.

Last year's circus proves that going through official channels is counterproductive & nobody comes out of it looking good.


I think we need transparency in this investigation though.

daytona11 (Kildare) - Posts: 4012 - 14/01/2014 13:56:41    1531619


County: Donegal
Posts: 2004

1531604 If there is a problem here then the way to solve it is in house.

Last year's circus proves that going through official channels is counterproductive & nobody comes out of it looking good.

There was a problem last year and it wasn't solved in house so thats obviously not the route to take.

sedico (Kildare) - Posts: 1682 - 14/01/2014 14:02:46    1531621


County: Donegal
Posts: 2004

If there is a problem here then the way to solve it is in house.

Last year's circus proves that going through official channels is counterproductive & nobody comes out of it looking good.

I do believe that such reports should not be leaked to newspapers directly after they have occurred. There should be a high element of confidentiality until a creditable case can be built. If the player has a case to answer for then it should be brought into the public domain, until then he should be given the benefit of the doubt and keep his character intact.

seany16 (Dublin) - Posts: 1658 - 14/01/2014 14:06:19    1531624


Of course the GAA disciplinary process must take it's course but as last season showed many people just have no confidence in it and whatever people say there is a big perception that Dublin will always come up smelling of roses and get the benefit of the doubt in these matters. Dublin is a massive cash cow for the Association and some people within it just wanted the 'biting' allegations against Dublin to fade away and disappear because it was Dublin. Some within the media also played a sinister part in ensuring that negative coverage involving Dublin was pushed out of the road and big positive stories were published about them at the same time. It doesn't take a genuius to work out that Dublin get a very easy ride from the GAA and Dublin based media. Over the past few seasons virtually EVERY allegation against Dublin and on field misdemeanour has gone their way be it 'biting' allegation, incidents caught on TV or players getting off on disciplinary issues so I won't hold my breath over this latest allegation.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9720 - 14/01/2014 14:23:39    1531638


Not last years episode didn't look great for Donegal as they made the complaint and then didn't even send the player to the hearing

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2763 - 14/01/2014 15:31:38    1531694


Fools, the young Donegal player in question has more or less since said he felt intimidated about attending that particular hearing in person. He has stated that he felt pressurised and hung out to dry by the Association and that the case unfairly hinged on him attending in person when ALL the facts and allegations had already been made. That was a dark period for the GAA and the perception remains with many GAA people that Dublin are being made a 'special case'.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9720 - 14/01/2014 15:37:48    1531703


Couldn't agree that Donegal were made to look foolish, any understanding person would know the predicament they were in. The GAA did not help them in any way at all. Understandable that McBrearty declined to attend the meeting, imagine the *******ing he would have got from opponents and fans alike for being a "grass" or a "rat"! It was better for him in the long term to decline to give evidence, sad and all that that is!

Salmanneile (Longford) - Posts: 113 - 14/01/2014 16:08:09    1531734


He felt intimidated??? He's a grown man who was big enough to make the accusation. The least he could do was follow through on the accusation and maybe then both teams would have closure instead of both sides thinking they know what really went on!

Jackeen (Dublin) - Posts: 4097 - 14/01/2014 16:21:55    1531751


I suppose so. It dragged on a long time. Hopefully this is sorted quicker

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2763 - 14/01/2014 16:25:15    1531753
