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What your username represents?

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Just wondering what the reason behind peoples username's? What do they mean/represent???

Ill get the ball rolling.

Mine is fairly simple really. My surname is Connolly and Im a Dub. Hence ConnollyDub!

ConnollyDub (Dublin) - Posts: 2007 - 27/03/2013 14:29:03    1357287


My three Favorite words

banterladhi (Donegal) - Posts: 502 - 27/03/2013 14:34:27    1357292


I can't solo a ball while running...

doublehop (Kildare) - Posts: 4172 - 27/03/2013 14:35:38    1357294


Mine is tongue and cheek really! So many of our country friends like to rib us for being Jackeens but for me it's a term of endearment. A true Dub! :)

Jackeen (Dublin) - Posts: 4097 - 27/03/2013 14:37:00    1357298


I'm a Tribesman in Brum (slang for Birmingham).

tribeinbrum (Galway) - Posts: 4155 - 27/03/2013 14:38:03    1357300


My first name is Wayne, Hence the Wayno, And my second name begins with I hence - waynoI

waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13650 - 27/03/2013 14:39:18    1357302


The Green and Red of Maigh Eo!

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7405 - 27/03/2013 14:42:24    1357308


Ollie is my nickname.

OLLIE (Louth) - Posts: 12224 - 27/03/2013 14:42:45    1357310


Republican contains my initials and also is an anagram for my first name!

republican (Sligo) - Posts: 328 - 27/03/2013 14:43:12    1357312


Obviously am a Dub so there,s Dub as for 1 im living up the the north in Derry and the lads in work used to call me dub1 so it just stuck with me never been knowing as nothing else...

DUB1 (Dublin) - Posts: 5583 - 27/03/2013 14:49:12    1357317


Named after my Granny

bad.monkey (USA) - Posts: 4629 - 27/03/2013 14:50:13    1357321



It forms half of the finest piece of advice my father ever gave me.


Would have been my alternative username...

if_in_doubt (Kildare) - Posts: 3685 - 27/03/2013 14:51:22    1357325


After my surname

goalpost (Armagh) - Posts: 215 - 27/03/2013 14:54:40    1357328


Mine is the owner of the dog Setanta killed. Legend has it he hit the sliotar so hard with the hurl that it went into Culann's cú's mouth that it killed him. Setanta was so sorry for killing Culann's great cú that he swore to act as Culann's 'cú' from there on. Hence Setanta became Cú Chulainn.

Culann (Dublin) - Posts: 2306 - 27/03/2013 14:55:46    1357331


Mayo is known as "The Plain of the Yew Tress" - so hence my username.

yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11266 - 27/03/2013 14:59:25    1357342


This is my real name.

Floops (Dublin) - Posts: 1623 - 27/03/2013 15:03:23    1357349


My (former) love of sausage rolls in a bap, they are the ones

srb (Antrim) - Posts: 344 - 27/03/2013 15:04:45    1357351


A decent song by a sometimes brilliant band about a great actor in a not-so-bad film

Marlon_JD (Tipperary) - Posts: 1823 - 27/03/2013 15:06:58    1357353


I have no idea why I chose this name.

gotmilk (Fermanagh) - Posts: 4971 - 27/03/2013 15:10:07    1357358


I think mine is self explanatory, even though I'm long past the "Boy" stage.

Fat Boy (Cavan) - Posts: 372 - 27/03/2013 15:12:15    1357361
