National Forum

Stabbing At Tyrone Under 16 Football Match

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Replying To KnockaineyAbú:  "People can nearly do what they like nowadays and if anyone questions this they are accused of infringing on others so-called rights etc.

There has been a culture in Ireland for too long now of "if something happens its not my problem as long as it doesn't affect me or if it happens outside my door.
And as long as it doesn't affect me, I don't give a toss"

It is not a good thing that people can do what they want these days. Maybe a culture of lawlessness has crept into Ireland. The way things are going, I won't be surprised at all if society goes completely lawless a few years down the road.

There is also a culture of the wants of the individual being MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN the needs of the community. And this is not conductive to a stable society."

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 08/07/2023 05:44:14    2493053


Replying To PattyONeill:  "I didn't think people from Cookstown went to football matches, they all seem to be driving around Asda car park in circles in twin cams."
The more I read your stupid post the worse it reads. This isn't a laughing matter doesn't matter where it happens. Ireland, Scotland, Football match, concerts, out for the night, shopping, it could happen anywhere, A GAA volunteer could have died and needs to be took seriously.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2132 - 08/07/2023 09:04:55    2493066


Replying To PattyONeill:  "I didn't think people from Cookstown went to football matches, they all seem to be driving around Asda car park in circles in twin cams."
There will be plenty more of that next Sunday evening when Kerry give you boys a hammering.

tireoghainabu (Tyrone) - Posts: 318 - 08/07/2023 12:55:05    2493113


Replying To Saynothing:  "The more I read your stupid post the worse it reads. This isn't a laughing matter doesn't matter where it happens. Ireland, Scotland, Football match, concerts, out for the night, shopping, it could happen anywhere, A GAA volunteer could have died and needs to be took seriously."
I have to agree totally with you. That particular post was nasty and uncalled for although perhaps we can be a little charitable because it was posted possibly before the true circumstances were known. We have all called the ref choice names and given out about them at times but rarely is it taken any further. And no county has a monopoly on this behaviour or is exempt from it either. It's invariably the losing side who are most vociferous about the ref. Occasionally you hear that " we had to beat 16". I for one would not be a referee for love nor money, although at my age there is no danger of being asked. I have often wondered if refs got together and decided to either abandon games or keep showing red cards to offending players who questioned his decisions. It would naturally lead to several fiascos but eventually the penny might drop.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1182 - 08/07/2023 14:29:36    2493124


Replying To tireoghainabu:  "There will be plenty more of that next Sunday evening when Kerry give you boys a hammering."
Don't entertain the original comments.

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2049 - 08/07/2023 14:45:27    2493126
