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Brolly on Gooch

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So very interesting points, I note that Joe was not able to put his point across last night on RTE as it didn't fit in with their script..................

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 10/04/2017 09:18:02    1977757


Replying To tyronemanc:  "

So very interesting points, I note that Joe was not able to put his point across last night on RTE as it didn't fit in with their script.................."
I think you may have been watching some other programme last night as Joe was the only one afforded the time to actually get his point across.

Everyone else didnt get such freedom as Joe couldnt even show basic manners constantly shouting across everyone else as they tried to get their own point across.

tearintom (Wexford) - Posts: 1360 - 10/04/2017 09:34:33    1977770


Tyrone were the team of the noughties without any doubt. The fact that Gooch didn't perform at his best against Tyrone is testament as to how good Tyrone were. Brollys point is valid in relation to Gooch and Tyrone yet he was abused and rounded on by the panel.
The bigger picture will show that Gooch was a genius of his time and one of the best ever.

salvador (Roscommon) - Posts: 439 - 10/04/2017 09:44:30    1977775


tyronemac must indeed have been looking at a different programme.of the discussion piece id say joe talked for twice as much as either of tomas o se or ciarain whelan.and when either of the boys were taking he was cutting across them.time for joe to be put out to grass after last nights performance.

kavvie (Clare) - Posts: 505 - 10/04/2017 09:46:10    1977776


I think Joe Brolly wants to be the show... and CW was right in that what way will Joe think and say next week.... but the premise or the argument was right, cooper didn't die, he wasn't the greatest, he was good noone can deny that, but as Brolly correctly pointed out their were many games in which cooper has held scoreless and was anomous... Mcmenamin didn't give him a sniff of the ball and in all his encounters and with Crossmaglen - he didn't count....
At times we look at people with red tinted glasses, Copper was a very good footballer, but the greatest -no!!! - the greatest lights up every game or the majority,

cuchulainn35 (Armagh) - Posts: 1676 - 10/04/2017 09:46:16    1977777


I think RTE love the fact that Joe still thinks he's in the courtroom when he's working for them. He's their golden goose for publicity. Nobody including the very best is safe. Last week Canavan got it, this week he was a hero and Gooch got it. Who'll be next? Henry Shefflin has got off lightly since retiring! go get em Joe!

SaffronDon (Antrim) - Posts: 2417 - 10/04/2017 09:48:43    1977779


Replying To tearintom:  "I think you may have been watching some other programme last night as Joe was the only one afforded the time to actually get his point across.

Everyone else didnt get such freedom as Joe couldnt even show basic manners constantly shouting across everyone else as they tried to get their own point across."
If you watch it back, Joe was constantly interrupted by Mike Lester, who was constantly tryting to drive him down the line that the Gooch was the greatest to ever kick a ball.

I for one do not hold much love for Brolly, however an alternative view is good to hear as opposed to the RTE agenda, read the article in my original post, you will find he puts forward a structured, coherent argument backed up with evidence as opposed to the blind soundbites we are constantly been fed, God forbid some an analyst actually gives some structured analysis

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 10/04/2017 09:51:41    1977783


The 2005 final v Tyrone? A lively first ten minutes, then he disappeared. Kerry needed a leader to turn things around in the second half, but Darragh and Tomás Ó Sé couldn't do it on their own. Instead, Peter Canavan highlighted the difference between himself and Cooper. Canavan, the other great skill merchant of that era, led Tyrone to an emphatic victory, battling all over the field, inspiring his troops and scoring the crucial goal.

Colm, meanwhile, remained in Ryan McMenamin's shadow. After another few years walloping frightened Mayo and Cork teams in September, it was back to reality in 2008. Tyrone went for it again with their normal ferocity. No fear with those boys. No standing back admiring skilled forwards. Yet again, Colm made no impact and Tyrone crushed them.

The above is from Brolly's article on Sunday. Gooch score 11 points in those 2 games, 5 from play. I wouldn't say I disagree strongly with Canavan's article. I think his argument has a certain merit but he's wrong on him being completely anonymous in those games versus Tyrone

realman2 (Kildare) - Posts: 464 - 10/04/2017 09:54:00    1977786


i agree michael lyster was shocking last night.............

cuchulainn35 (Armagh) - Posts: 1676 - 10/04/2017 09:57:23    1977790


Replying To tearintom:  "I think you may have been watching some other programme last night as Joe was the only one afforded the time to actually get his point across.

Everyone else didnt get such freedom as Joe couldnt even show basic manners constantly shouting across everyone else as they tried to get their own point across."
Brolly consistently asked tomas what teams Gooch performed against outside of mayo and cork and tomas couldn't answer
Gooch is a brilliant forward and when he was allowed play he destroyed teams however when up against really strong defensive teams tyrone and in 12 donegal he had no answer
Said previously on here kerry would have won the All Irelands in 04 06 07 and 09 without Gooch he was a great player in a great team but the love in is a bit ott Imo anf agree with Brollys comments last night

rossy15 (Roscommon) - Posts: 621 - 10/04/2017 10:05:51    1977794


He was right in that it's all been a bit Lady Di, the tributes and everything have been way OTT.

Saying that you could see Lyster poking him to say outrageous guff. Gooch was a fantastic footballer, one of the best I've ever seen live. But Diarmuid Connolly, in my opinion, is the most complete player I've ever seen and does things that defy logic at times. I don't think Connolly will be getting spreads in the paper and tributes on the big screen in Croker when he calls it a day somehow.

JoeSoap (Donegal) - Posts: 1432 - 10/04/2017 10:18:53    1977801


It's all a little unfair on Gooch. We'd all love to have the football skills and career he had. Brolly is interested in self publicity but I'd have to agree with him about the Lady Di style OTT eulogies.
There are several recent past players who I enjoyed watching more than Gooch and who influenced games more so. Michael Donnellan of Galway was one of my favourites. I could watch him play football all day long. His team mate Padraig Joyce wasn't far behind and remember when we were all raving about Trevor Giles? These guys made good teams great. Gooch played for Kerry!

Sindar (Roscommon) - Posts: 348 - 10/04/2017 10:28:59    1977805


Replying To tyronemanc:  "If you watch it back, Joe was constantly interrupted by Mike Lester, who was constantly tryting to drive him down the line that the Gooch was the greatest to ever kick a ball.

I for one do not hold much love for Brolly, however an alternative view is good to hear as opposed to the RTE agenda, read the article in my original post, you will find he puts forward a structured, coherent argument backed up with evidence as opposed to the blind soundbites we are constantly been fed, God forbid some an analyst actually gives some structured analysis"
Again i think you actually have to watch it to see your incorrect.

At the very start of the gooch debate Joe was the only pundit who was actually afforded the opportunity to put his point across without interruption.

Everyone else who tried to debate it was again talked and shouted across by Brolly himself so much so Ciaran Whelan had to tell him to shut up.

Nothing wrong with an alternative view and nothing wrong with the points that Brolly was making but when you have been afforded the opportunity to put your own point across uninterrupted its basic manners to allow other the same courtesy rather than shouting across others who hold an alternative view.

Its isnt the joe show, others have the right to make points also something lost on Brolly it seems, its basic manners really.

tearintom (Wexford) - Posts: 1360 - 10/04/2017 10:30:11    1977808


Where exactly has been the over the top praise of Cooper in retirement that some are claiming.

He's been rightly praised as one of the greats and there have been a few articles about him.

It's been a few days of coverage and thats all not a Brian O'Driscoll year long retirement party.

He'll barely be mentioned in the national media ever again after this week so nothing wrong with a bit of coverage of his retirement and the impact he's had on the game.He's the most recognizable GAA player of the 21st century so his retirement deserves a bit of coverage.

uibhfhaili1986 (Offaly) - Posts: 1296 - 10/04/2017 10:33:02    1977810


Replying To JoeSoap:  "He was right in that it's all been a bit Lady Di, the tributes and everything have been way OTT.

Saying that you could see Lyster poking him to say outrageous guff. Gooch was a fantastic footballer, one of the best I've ever seen live. But Diarmuid Connolly, in my opinion, is the most complete player I've ever seen and does things that defy logic at times. I don't think Connolly will be getting spreads in the paper and tributes on the big screen in Croker when he calls it a day somehow."
This is the one of the hpoints, Connolly is a 'rebel' in the eyes of the purists and will get caught up in off the bull stuff, when Connelly does he is hauled over the coals by over analysis with the RTE studio hands (may I say like they did with Ricey time and time again). Ther ehas been many occasions that the cameras have picked up on Gooch roaring into oppoents faces etc, when he does it they refer to it as passion when one of the less fasionable players do it they refer to it as sledging

tyronemanc (Tyrone) - Posts: 163 - 10/04/2017 10:33:48    1977811


He was right in that it's all been a bit Lady Di, the tributes and everything have been way OTT.

Saying that you could see Lyster poking him to say outrageous guff. Gooch was a fantastic footballer, one of the best I've ever seen live. But Diarmuid Connolly, in my opinion, is the most complete player I've ever seen and does things that defy logic at times. I don't think Connolly will be getting spreads in the paper and tributes on the big screen in Croker when he calls it a day somehow.

JoeSoap (Donegal) - Posts:506 - 10/04/2017 10:18:53 1

Fantastic player no doubt but proved again yesterday he can be as much of a liability as he is a matchwinner. His temperament lets him down time and time again and IMO shouldnt be remembered as fondly as the gooch!

maximus02 (Longford) - Posts: 172 - 10/04/2017 10:37:22    1977816


The treatment of Brolly last night was shocking. Bad enough being ridiculed by Tomas O'Se and Ciaran Whelan but when the presenter of the show joins in, it makes for distasteful viewing. I actually agreed with Brolly and his article in yesterday's Independent was excellently written and his viewpoint articulated clearly. He was entitled to his opinion but was shouted down because it didn't fit the RTE narrative. Tomas O Se couldn't answer the questions Brolly put to him about Gooch. Yes Gooch was a great player but its easy to be a good player on a good team. The likes of Canavan who carried and led his team for years and stood up when it really counted is more worthy and deserving of a eulogy than Gooch. That's my opinion which I'm entitled to in the same way that Brolly is entitled to his.

Lifford Gael (Donegal) - Posts: 1925 - 10/04/2017 10:44:45    1977820


Brolly is great. He keeps viewers awake. He keeps Lester awake. That show this season has been horrible, with inadequate highlights volume, generally dreadful 'analysis, and Lester saying things like 'ah yeah' 'shure lookit tis only March' etc. Brolly makes people care, and more importantly keeps people awake. Well done, Joe.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3563 - 10/04/2017 11:04:32    1977832


joe having the absolute craic last night

waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13650 - 10/04/2017 11:05:46    1977833


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "Brolly is great. He keeps viewers awake. He keeps Lester awake. That show this season has been horrible, with inadequate highlights volume, generally dreadful 'analysis, and Lester saying things like 'ah yeah' 'shure lookit tis only March' etc. Brolly makes people care, and more importantly keeps people awake. Well done, Joe."
Anybody could do what Brolly does though.

It's easy to just have a controversial opinion for the sake of it and it doesn't really make good TV as ionce you relaise whta their act is it gets quite tiresome.

Too much praise is given to the likes of Brolly and Eamonn Dunphy who basically spout a load of horseshite as being a great thing because it starts debate.The reason most people don't share the views Brolly has is they don't like being wrong for the sake of it and being consitently proven to be a bullshitter.

uibhfhaili1986 (Offaly) - Posts: 1296 - 10/04/2017 11:12:57    1977838
