Brave little 'Batman Ben' and the fight of his life!

July 04, 2016

Ben Farrell.
Pic via Ben 'Batman' Farrell on Facebook.

Five year old Ben Farrell is battling a rare form of cancer and doctors in Ireland say their options are running out.

Ben Farrell is a five year old boy who is a member of the Nursery Section (Grasshoppers) in St. Margaret's GAA Club, Co. Dublin and attends St. Margaret's National School.  

Ben was diagnosed with a stage IV Wilms Tumour on Christmas Eve 2015.  After 19 bouts of radiotherapy and the removal of his kidney the cancer has spread to other places and Ben's doctors believe they cannot cure him. Ben's options in Ireland are limited and have all but run out.

There are clinical trials for Wilms Tumour in the US that have shown promising results. Ben's family are desperate to raise funds to send him to the US, where these trials might be his only hope of survival.  

The treatment, which would take place in the Children's Hospital in Washington, costs approximately €260,000 and his family have launched a campaign to raise these funds without delay as it is critical for Ben to receive this treatment as soon as possible.

Members of the local community and St Margaret's club are fully behind Ben's parents in their effort to secure this urgent treatment for their son and they would be deeply appreciative and very grateful to their friends in the Dublin GAA and the wider community if they could row in behind them in helping to raise the necessary funds to send Ben to the US for treatment.

Donations to help Ben's treatment in the US can be made at

A bank account for donations to Ben's fund is also available - here are the details:

IBAN:  IE 46 ULSB 9860 4511 202 980


See updates on: Ben 'Batman' Farrell on Facebook

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