McStay: refs deciding matches

September 17, 2013

Kevin McStay
Kevin McStay says too many high-profile matches are being decided by refereeing errors.

The former Mayo great, who led St Brigid's of Roscommon to All-Ireland club glory on St Patrick's Day, has his fingers crossed that Joe McQuillan gets all the big calls right on Sunday:

"The biggest problem for me in terms of referees is that too many referees are deciding who wins the big matches," he is quoted in The Irish Examiner.

"I hope that's through incompetence or a poor call. But there's no doubt they're deciding it. The 2011 final was decided that way with the Cluxton free.

"The very first Donegal goal last year was a free in to Mayo when Cillian O'Connor was fouled. That was a four-point swing.

"The games we've seen in the All-Ireland series so far, there have been quite a few errors and the referee chosen for this week, though a very competent referee, there's so much going on to keep track of."

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