Brolly says sorry to Cavanagh

August 08, 2013

Joe Brolly gets his point across
Joe Brolly has apologised to Sean Cavanagh in the wake of his tirade against the Tyrone star last weekend.

In an interview on TV3's Ireland AM programme this morning, the pundit accepted that his attack on the player's manliness was "most unfair" and that Cavanagh was happy to accept his apology when they spoke at length yesterday. But Brolly was sticking to his guns as far as his criticism of Cavanagh's rugby tackle on Monaghan's Conor McManus was concerned.

"I spoke to Sean and apologised to Sean for one line which I hadn't realise what I'd said at the time, 'but as far as he's a man he can forget about it'. What I meant obviously, 'as a man', he doesn't conduct himself on the sporting field the way he ought to, but it's nothing to do with his private life," the Belfast-based barrister said.

"We spent half-an-hour talking about the pros and cons of Mayo. I didn't intend to impute anything about his private life.

"It was most unfair when I looked at it again, so fair is fair and he was very gracious about accepting about, but I did say for Christ's sake will you stop this."

Brolly once again stressed the need for cynical play to be eradicated from Gaelic football.

"I meant everything I said and it is a cancer in the game - cynical fouling - and it's destroying the spirit of the game and it's permeating through to underage level."

Brolly appeared on the programme alongside his friend and club-mate Shane Finnegan, who he donated a kidney to last year, to talk about his push to change Ireland's organ donation process.

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