"Hard man" Cluxton should say sorry - McAteer

April 05, 2011

Former Liverpool and Ireland soccer star Jason McAteer
Former Ireland soccer star Jason McAteer has called on Dublin goalkeeper Stephen Cluxton to apologise for the spat between the pair during a charity match at the weekend.

Cluxton and McAteer clashed during an exhibition soccer match between a Liverpool Legends XI and a Darndale FC selection in aid of the Autism Action charity.

There had been suggestions that the fracas was arranged between the pair in order to raise the profile of the charity event - but McAteer was unapologetic during a radio interview on Monday night.

Speaking to Newstalk's Off The Ball show, the 52-times-capped Scouser said, "I am so disappointed and I would like to say sorry to the organisers who went to the effort of organising this charity game. He should show some humility and maybe apologise, rather than make out he is a hard man."

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