Ballinderry threaten Derry boycott

June 15, 2009

Derry's James Conway
Derry's preparations for next Sunday's Ulster SFC semi-final against Tyrone have been plunged into crisis amid reports that Ballinderry are threatening to withdraw their players in the event of James Conway not been reinstated to the panel. The midfielder was suspended from Damian Cassidy's squad last week after an incident involving county colleague James Kielt in a recent club game between Ballinderry and Kilrea, in which Kielt sustained a broken jaw. But it's understood that Ballinderry are now demanding talks over Conway's axing from the county squad, and will withdraw their other panel members if they don't get the answers they are looking for. The Shamrocks currently have three players on the panel - defenders Kevin McGuckin and Niall McCusker, who is vice-captain, and midfielder-cum-attacker Enda Muldoon.

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