Queens boss questions legality of suspensions

January 15, 2009
Queens manager Aidan O'Rourke has opened a hornet's nest by questioning the harshness - and validity - of suspensions meted out under the experimental rules. The Armagh man was without Paul Courtney for last night's facile win over Antrim after the midfielder picked up yellow cards in successive matches - and thus incurred a two-week ban. O'Rourke opted not to field Courtney. However, he feels confident he would have been able to get away with using the player had he chosen to do so... "As things stand, the experimental rules were brought in for the McKenna Cup and other provincial competitions but there was no supplementary disciplinary rules brought in with the new rules. "By the letter of the law, two double-yellows within 48 weeks bring you the suspension, but you can't get two yellows with these new rules, so it seems unfair. Boys are getting two-weeks suspension for two relatively small misdemeanours. "We have looked into it and it is our understanding that we are in the right. Last year's rules are being used for the provincial competitions and I think we could fight it and win if we needed to. "It means Paul may be missing out on matches that he really shouldn't have to miss, and that isn't on."

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