National Forum

Tailteann Cup 2023

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Well done Meath the team that attacked and defended best won. Down was poor did did they let hype that came from their 8-16 against Laois get to their heads.

2nd year of the tailteann cup wasn't as good as the 1st year. I'm not sure if the group stage is the way to go.

Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3395 - 15/07/2023 20:25:23    2494622


Replying To Ulsterman:  "Well done Meath, was pretty easy in the end. Down bottled it."
Not sure what you mean Down bottled it , yes a poor preformance from our lads and the better team on the day won thats for sure , I dont do yapping about refs and i wont start now, But well done Meath like ourselves taking good steps towards the top table again well done

germac (Down) - Posts: 539 - 15/07/2023 20:50:48    2494631


Replying To artisan:  "Meath worthy winners. Down had no answer for their big men. We need a keeper to move forward or we'll go nowhere. Near impossible to win any game when you can't get your hands on any kick outs."
Threw game away, if they had have took half their point chances instead of trying for goals. Have to be kicking themselves.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2037 - 15/07/2023 23:15:49    2494676


One final note to Down supporters. Yous are a credit to ur county ur province and the Gaa in general. I have a liking for Down throughout my life. And that will continue. We were surrounded by Down people today. You cheered and made lots of noise but there wasn't one bit of hostility. I sincerely wish you the best going forward and hopefully see you and us back where we belong. .

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 16/07/2023 10:14:47    2494715


Replying To Saynothing:  "Threw game away, if they had have took half their point chances instead of trying for goals. Have to be kicking themselves."
Have taken

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1587 - 16/07/2023 10:32:26    2494719


I don't know if Down threw the game away, Meath just looked the superior team on the day. The worrying thing for the management team is that this was a worse display than the two point loss in Parnell Park in the group stage against Meath. Down had three weeks to prepare for the Final and I don't know what they were doing but instead of improving and learning from that game they went backwards.

Colm O'Rourke said they spent their time tightening up their defence and working on their ball skills and it showed yesterday especially in the second half. Meath always kept a man up and were generally untroubled by the Down attack. Down with fifteen men behind the ball did not look secure in defence at all.

There were also question marks over Downs fitness, the usual second half surge was absent. Maybe the occasion got to the players, it's hard to explain why so many players underperformed. The simplest explanation could be that Meath were simply the better team, playing at a higher level in Division 2 against better opposition.

The stats were pretty similar for both teams except in two areas, Meath outscored Down from open play and Meath lost three of their own kick outs whereas Down lost nine. It's the old Down problem, lack of dominant midfielders and a problem winning the ball in the air.

It's tough to say this but Meath were the braver team on the day , finals are there to be won and Meath went for it leaving it all on the field. They looked fitter, more powerful, kicked more and fielded the high ball much better.

They say teams learn more from their defeats than their triumphs and there is much for Downs management and players to ponder after this loss. It will take a, while to get over but they have shown that you can make huge improvements in a short time, it has to be remembered that this group of players and management have only been together for about nine months.

Newmitch (Down) - Posts: 97 - 16/07/2023 11:57:33    2494741


Replying To Seanfanbocht:  "There's none and not much for the Sam Semis either.
They really need a PRO or Marketing officer in HQ."
The problem is that there are too many guys with fancy titles and doing very little in CP. I think they need less decisions makers -maybe have a couple with a bit of common sense might come in useful. Look at all the rule changes made over a number of years and we have a mark but not a time clock. We are still not able to differentiate between what is a foul and what is a tackle. Maybe with less rules then we could make it easier for a Ref to do his/her duties.

browncows (Meath) - Posts: 2342 - 16/07/2023 12:59:02    2494751
